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Prop Dance Culture with Ty


Tyfoods is a Hip-Hop Poi Dancer, Movement Enthusiast and Neuroscience Graduate. He has been spinning poi for 6 years, and dancing for 3 years. In that time, he has developed a systematic approach that focuses on "how to learn tricks/ movements" rather than on the tricks/movements themselves. In an attempt to both share this systematic approach and create the ultimate resource for all movement artists he co-founded Prop Dance Culture! Prop Dance Culture is a platform that is dedicated to bringing ALL movement artists together so that key ideas may be shared, creativity stimulated and skill growth accelerated, BUT also is dedicated to giving these movement artists the tools they need to succeed! In addition to Prop Dance Culture, he has co-founded Living the Flow Life which is all about the psychological state of Flow. The state where you both feel your best and perform your best. Rather than discussing Flow academically, Living the Flow Life is all about the practical usage of Flow and how you can get into the Flow state more often. Living the Flow Life aims to spread awareness about the art of getting into Flow. Find him online at: