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Creating a Flow Arts Collective with Arlene Smith and BJ Burg


In this episode, I chat with BJ Burg and Arlene Smith as we dive into discussing the creation of a Flow Arts Collective! Discover how this happened, what were the challenges, advice from the founders for folks wanting to create their own flow arts or art collective nonprofits, and much more. BJ Burg (they/them) is a poi spinner, fire dancer, videographer, instructor, performer, and jack-of-all-trades for Seattle Flow Arts Collective. Outside of flow arts, they enjoy learning to dance, discovering local artists, building LEGOs, listening to music, and parenting little children in central Seattle. Professionally, they work as a researcher, project manager, and software engineer for a large company. Arlene Smith is a Seattle-based circus artist and community organizer who loves sharing her enthusiasm for movement, play, and self-expression with those around her. She is Executive Director and Co-founder of Seattle Flow Arts Collective, which grew out of her work organizing a weekly flow jam and workshop space called FlowShop. Her first prop love was poi, but you can most often find her hooping, roller skating, or juggling (and sometimes all three!). Connect with BJ and Arlene online by visiting: BJ: Arlene: Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: