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Full-Time Performance with Srikanta Barefoot


Srikanta Barefoot has a breadth of experience in Circus, Theater & Dance. He boasts an extensive performance history, including 3 years and over 700 shows as the Featured Fire Dancer, Fire Dance Coach & Lead Character for the Cirque du Soleil. Regarded as a leading figure in fire dance, Srikanta teaches workshops & retreats and has published an instructional video series on Dancing with the Fire Staff. He performs a variety of circus disciplines including cyr wheel, cube, clown, body percussion, boleadoras des percussion… and is ever in pursuit of his latest muse. His company, Fusion Arts, is based in the South of France, where Srikanta works as Artistic Director, Choreographer & Performer. He also designs & sells custom-made, professional fire gear including poi, ropes & titanium fire staffs. As a fan of The Art of Flow, enjoy a 25% discount on Srikanta's custom-made fire tools & instructional videos for a limited time! Visit The Fusion Arts Shop & use the discount code: artofflowrocks Connect with Srikanta online! Website: Facebook: Instagram: